Entre Trenes Iluminados… Again In Europe

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Everything Is...

Reflections, realities that get suffocated by dreams, lack of appreciation… constant search for the unknown, very aware that what’s unknown is what remains beautiful, and what’s discovered becomes dead. Train, after train, after train.

What a beautiful trip filled with thoughts and incantations. Nothing like abandoning your schedule to be able to think differently than before. I was absolutely blocked before this season finale episode started, also known as my “vacation.” My thoughts… gone. I had lived without a nice pocket digital camera for a while, and I felt the magic of the snapshot… of recording real life through an angle of emotions had disappeared. Before I left, I fixed this by getting a new pocket camera. I wasn’t going to allow myself to continue living such a dry proof-less existence.


The conversation with myself restarted as I got on a plane to go to France. In fact, it started the night before, as I became sick… sick with anticipation of what was ahead of me in the trip. You see, the older I get, the more scared I become. It is not fear of what could happen to me, but fear of having to go through too much trouble to get around, or robbed of my wallet, or sick. Soon enough I compared myself to the person I was 10 years ago, traveling with my first girlfriend through uncharted European lands. I realize my now ex-girlfriend probably knows more of me back then, than I do. Lacking a good memory, I get around by images and instinct. How to reconstruct who you were, if you don’t even remember how you got where you are. You just know this place where you stand now is yours once more, and it has been found by you again through fate, and not through planning. And that the moment you touched the memory, you complete a test you didn’t even know you were taking.

The present always feels eternal, and the past… a dream.

This flickr album contains snapshots of my spotless mind as I move through Italy, Switzerland, and France through the happy summer of 2010. A summer that confronts me with who I used to be, stimulating instincts left behind by forgotten memories. A summer full of textures and angles; where I make love to each curve and edge of my environment through my view finder.

-Your Imaginary Dream Farmer, The one who lives when the Giant Wolf is asleep.

Published under : art, words

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