
“How Lesbian Are You?” Scale

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“How Lesbian Are You?” Scale

Scientifically proven algorithm to categorize homosexual behavior among women.

1. Completely interested in men
2. Straight girl who goes to Pride
3. Makes out with girls drunk
4. Hooks up with girls while sober
5. Pure bisexual. Equally attracted to both genders
6. Is more emotionally interested in women
7. Is more physically interested in women
8. Has had a real relationship with a woman
9. Only dates women, but watches gay porn sometimes
10. Men are gross, even in movies

If you are farther or closer in the scale of who you think you are, you shouldn’t stress over it. In the words of American poet Akinyele in his 1996 radio hit: “What do you wanna lick: pussy or dick? People throughout the world, it’s your pick!”

To Be Infinite

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To be infinite: When you kiss someone goodbye in the train station, as you cry, you smile, filled with passion and a sense of wholeness… As if all you’ve ever done in life has led you to that moment. Like the first taste of a good drug, what follows is the attempt to recreate that feeling, the rest is a reaction to mortality rather than what you truly feel. And who you truly are is a free bird even if you are confined to your body, your drive, and your socioeconomic condition. The bird that’s free flaps inside your mind. Unbound. Unbridled.


Rant #654: Getting old is getting old.

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As I lay in bed with yet another leg injury, after two whole weeks of bad luck, I realize my soul is officially becoming as uncool as my body. I just went through my Instagram feed… saw my tween friends’ posts and instantly disapproved of their behavior. I found their fashion choices distasteful and their “selfies” self-indulgent. I also realize how I lost my freedom to be facetious online, and how much I miss the Internet from the 1990s… back when no one was on, back when there were no profiles and we literally lurked through “chat rooms” that had to be refreshed manually.

tl;dr: I make an angry cripple.

Plantar Fasciitis Ajax Load Wheel… in RL

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Plantar Fasciitis Ajax Load Wheel

I found the biggest discount for my special “plantar fasciitis friendly” shoes in Puerto Rico… so I bought plenty of them. The result is a RL display of an ajax load wheel. I hope the dork in you is amused.

I colorized this on Instagram, and animated it using the Photoshop Timeline tools. Finally, exported it as an animated GIF using the Saved For Web And Devices functionality.

A Message To Fiscally Conservative Voters Who Are Socially Liberal

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We reached the end of this campaign, and I know some people think Romney’s economic policies are sound and that’s why they’ll vote for him (while disagreeing with his social stance). I want you to say to me: “My taxes and take-home pay mean more than your fundamental civil rights, the sanctity of your marriage, your right to visit an ailing spouse in the hospital, your dignity as a citizen of this country, your healthcare…” And this quote by Doug Wright doesn’t even refer to women’s rights. With Republicans’ constant attack on Planned Parenthood, soon enough there will be FATAL consequences to the future of women too. Do you think women terminating pregnancies is a matter of a joke? Do you think employers determining if women’s insurance should cover contraception is not important? Do you think a candidate who tells employers to “recommend” employees into voting for him is a good match for this country? All of these things are symptoms of horrible things to come. Things that make me feel less safe in the world. So yeah, go ahead and vote for your “economic freedom”… in the end you gotta know that equality and fairness are things that money simply cannot buy.

Read this:
Dear Republican friends: Your Romney vote disrespects my marriage

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